
Chips and eggs + beer at the end of the ride

Chips and eggs + beer at the end of the ride

“Awesome trails in São Bras de Alportel (Algarve), with Luís as an experienced and competent guide (and very nice, too...). Loved the chips and eggs + beer at the end of the ride, at Fonte Férrea” - Francisco Machado

Experiência de e-bike sensacional

Experiência de e-bike sensacional

Tive o prazer de poder desfrutar da maravilhosa serra algarvia na companhia da WERIDE. Fui acompanhado de um excelente profissional que para além de ser entendido nas duas rodas, soube mostrar e explicar de tudo um pouco sobre o Algarve e sobre cada trilho feito.
A experiência com a e-bike foi sensacional, ao ponto de me familiarizar com a mesma e poder apreciar cada trilho, saltos e paisagens sensacionais. RECOMENDO!!

Another amazing DOUBLE PACK

Another amazing DOUBLE PACK

“Round two was twice as good as round one! What can I say except that WERIDE is family. Love these guys. This time we made it out to Algarve and the riding just gets better and better! Thanks for another experience of a lifetime! Hope to be back soon” - Ben Marsden

The guides are excellent

The guides are excellent

“I did 2 rides with WERIDE - one in Algarve and one in Sintra. The guides are excellent - offered good skills tips, knew the trails very well (they build them) and also lots of info on local tourist sites / ecology etc. I rode mostly intermediate trails - and I found them to be just challenging enough - but we passed by lots of trails that looked more full on enduro, if you are looking to ride some bigger or sketchier stuff. Excellent company to book a tour with.”

Fak Z.