
Carver bikes, Jana, Laurenz and Maya the DOG

"Thank you guys for an awesome day out on the beautiful trails of Sintra and thanks for sharing your local knowledge with us. You haven't just introduced us to a few trails - you have shown us the area and the variety of riding in Sintra. You even enabled us to bring our dog Maya and she loved it! Thanks for the great memories and all those awesome pictures. Really, you are doing a great job! Can't wait to catch up again next year!"

Jana Hebmueller

Trails for everyone to have fun!

"WOW!! What a cool place to do serious mountain biking. And the guides at WERIDE just handled everything perfectly. So far, I've never been in a place with a better variety of tracks to ride. I will definitely be back!"

Ole Steen

Nuestro hermano from Spain

"Cuando decidí pasar una semana en Lisboa tenía claro que visitar Sintra para montar por sus senderos. 
Como no tenía tiempo para explorar por mi cuenta opté por buscar un guía que me pudiera mostrar la zona, de entre todas las ofertas para hacer MTB en el area de Sintra elegí a la gente de WERIDE debido a su cuidada web y las reviews favorables de anteriores clientes.
No me decepcionaron para nada! João, Hugo y Duarte fueron tres compañeros estupendos con los que descubrir una red de senderos cuidada y llena de sorpresas como los senderos del Kamikaze o Pontes por nombrar algunos.
Uno de los puntos fuertes de los guías es la capacidad para adaptar el recorrido al nivel de cada uno siendo su principal objetivo que pases un día divertido dentro de tus límites."

"When I decided to spend a week in Lisbon it was clear to me that I had to see Sintra to ride along its trails.
Having no time to explore on my own I decided to find a guide who could show me the area. Out of all the deals for MTB in the area of Sintra, I chose WERIDE due to its apealing website and favorable reviews from previous customers.
They did not disappoint me at all! João, Duarte and Hugo were wonderful friend full guides with whom I discovered a network of maintained trails full of surprises as the Kamikaze or Pontes trails just to name a few.
One of the strengths of the guides is the ability to adapt the course to the level of each customer always aiming for a fun day within your limits. "

José  Manuel Garcia