“A f***ing goat!' 🐐 Ready to bring you big hits on a budget 👊 #CAPRA takes it back to the roots introducing the all new Core 1! Featuring Rockshox Zeb/Super Deluxe, SRAM NX Eagle and super strong Aluminium frame 🦾 Everything enduro rippers need, and nothing they don’t. To put the new bike to the test we flew out to Portugal to check out the legendary trails in Sintra 🇵🇹 Who better than Irm to take the new goat by the horns and show us what it can do 🤘”
Behind The Scenes: Iago Garay’s “Not Far From Home — Sintra, Portugal”
SANTA CRUZ MEGATOWER 2 with Greg Minnaar and Jackson Goldstone
Santa Cruz has radically revamped its 29” enduro race machine by giving it more travel, more aggressive geometry and lots of new features.
Wheel travel increases from 160mm to 165mm in back and from 160mm to 170mm in front. More importantly, they gave it a lower overall leverage ratio and a longer stroke shock that Santa Cruz says results in more damping support for aggressive riding.
Sintra´s Torgas trail
● Max tire width: 29 x 2.5
● Boost 148mm spacing
● Post mount brakes w/ 200mm rotors
● ISCG05 chain guide mounts
● Threaded BB
● Santa Cruz UDH
● IS headset
Sintra’s Home trail
When World Champs like Greg Minnaar and Jackson Goldstone aren’t on their office bikes, they’re often throttling a Megatower for all it’s worth. Because 165mm of VPP® lower link travel is more than enough to feel just like the Syndicate. A ±63-degree adjustable head tube angle coupled to a 170mm fork and 29-inch wheels delivers the high-speed security of a downhill bike. Yet the 78-degree seat angle and size-specific geo maintain the Mega’s mega ability to climb, retaining its reputation as the perfect choice for knocking out big gravity rides and DH park laps.
Sintra, Rochoso section from Torgas trail
Megatower 2 in Sintra, Portugal
A downhill bike that goes everywhere!
Seriously. The Megatower’s big wheels, long travel, and tough carbon fiber chassis delivers the high-speed security traits of a downhill bike.
Riders: Greg Minnaar, Jackson Goldstone
Creator: Sven Martin | Credit: Sven Martin
Copyright: Copyright 2021 Sven Martin Photography
NOT FAR FROM HOME ep. 5 Sintra, Portugal
“For this trip we decided to go international. My good friend Sergio Layos (BMX legend and MTB ripper) kept speaking about the amazing trails in Sintra, Portugal, and at the time of year we wanted to do the trip, Sintra was supposed to have the best conditions. Thanks to it proximity and culture, Portugal has always felt more like home than any other country, which made It an easy decision.”
LISBON and SINTRA at E-MOUNTAINBIKE print edition 2020
The E-MOUNTAINBIKE Print Edition 2020 is our third annual edition and ultimate test bible, with which we aim to help you choose the perfect eMTB. More than 250 pages of extensive buyers advice, tons of eMTB know-how as well as reviews of the 35 most exciting eMTBs and the 7 best motors. You’ll also find many helpful tips and a guide to the most exciting eMTB trends – all of this is wrapped in a high quality print format. Our magazine is aimed at experienced eMTBers and beginners alike.
SINTRA - Testing Scott Contessa Ransom 910
All trails lead to the sea! (3/3)
At the westernmost point of the European mainland you will find a labyrinth of mountains and valleys that look like a fairytale forest and previously thought to be the edge of the world. Today, it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and tourist trap. The Sintra nature reserve, bordering on Lisbon, is every romantic’s dream with its palaces, though it also attracts mountain bikers with its steep descents and ocean views.
EVIL, The Following in Sintra
EVIL came to Sintra in Portugal with Kyle Norbraten and Marc Beaumont to test and show The Following: the bike that made people realize 29ers don’t suck and started an entire genre of bikes.
#following #120 #morepoplessfilling #evil #bikes #xc #enduro #everybodysfollowing #bleedblackdieevil
Film - Alex Fostvedt x Callum Jelley
Based just north of Lisbon, in the historic city of Sintra, we were now immersed in one of the more popular tourist zones in Portugal. Our lodging, Casa Do Valle, was perched on the edge of a mountain of trails, an ideal spot for a smooth transition from the ultra rural setting of the previous week’s bikepacking adventure. It felt more like a mountain retreat than a bed and breakfast in a busy visitor area. Certainly, we intended to take advantage of the good eats and sights of Sintra, but our main priority was to soak up the mountain bike experience.
Top 11 eMTB Destinations – eMTBing is ace, but where’s best?
The VANZACS 2019 pre-season in Sintra
“Take a pre season trip to Portugal with the vanzacs to a place called Sintra. Surf, Sun, Trails and Rose... A winning combo. Cheers to Pedro and the boys at @weride.pt for showing us around! Would recommend to a friend.”
The Vanzacs
”I guess this is how WE start a successful season!”
Sven Martin
"Best week of our season!"
Kurt McDonald
Video: Micayla Gatto & Scotty Laughland Ride Sintra's Enchanted Forests - GoPro Track Down S1 EP3
With deep, jungle foliage on one side of the mountain and fast, dry singletrack on the other, Sintra can offer you a 360° mountain bike experience all in one day. Scotty Laughland and Micayla Gatto headed to the Portugese coast to sample as much of this mtb paradise as they could.
Follow along with GoPro athlete and all-around bloody good chap, Scotty Laughland, as he explores trails, trail networks, and the local scene in our new five-part series: Track Down. Where will his GoPro travel with him this season? Europe.
MTB and surfing in Portugal – Where would WE be then?
Words: Julian Lemme Photos: João Mourão
Hey there. I’m Julian, Art Director for
Although my work is anything but monotonous, I find myself frequently falling into a routine, one that ends with my creativity in a headlock. Habits, it turns out, are probably the most quicksand-like element in the world. For this issue of the magazine, I knew it was time to break free of the shackles and find a new horizon – namely that of the Portuguese coast.
The words ‘time to shine’ flash luminously on my phone’s lock screen. That’s the alarm, I realise groggily. I’m inside my van, tucked into a sleeping bag and cosily lying between my bike and a surfboard. At home, round about this time is when I switch on the coffee machine and hunch over my laptop, eyes flickering for hours on end between design layouts and cat videos. But today is different; I’ve got a banana and a handful of nuts for breakfast. I’m on the Atlantic coast and from the sliding door of the van, I can see there are just a few metres separating me from the sea.
“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.”
The good life is within easy reach if you hit the road
Routines can be a simultaneous blessing and curse. They’re like lined paper or road markings, organising and demarcating where to go, what to do and neatly putting our lives into order. But therein lies the danger too. We slump, worn down by demotivation, from weekend to weekend, plagued by a vague sensation of boredom. In my case, it saps my creativity, stirring up a cloudy broth of sameness. But there’s no chance of that happening when I’m on the road. No time for routines to emerge. I wake up in a new location every day and manoeuvre around my small living space. In the best-case scenario, I have to switch languages too.
But is there a solution for self-discovery for those who don’t have the luxury of calling themselves a freelancer, for those who can’t simply schlep their laptop to a new beachside cafe each day to work? Sometimes the only solution might be to brush your teeth with your non-habitual hand and walk backwards. That’s my trick anyway. By shaking up the status quo of the way I do things, I try to avoid sinking into the boredom of daily life. New experiences are established in unknown territory, right?
“Where would we stand if everybody said where do we stand, and nobody went to look where we would stand if we went?”
Jump into cold water
Escape the infinite loop that’s built on old quirks and repetition. Straight into the cold water! If walking-backwards-brushing-your-teeth doesn’t help, why not take up a new sport? The sea is my substitute for the woods. There’s no Wi-Fi in the sea, no power sockets, no clock-watching. It’s all new and strange and unfamiliar. I find myself toying with thoughts and ideas while I wait for the next set. It’s the sort of time when I’m usually hit by a sense of clarity and a new way of looking at things. I can take it back to the desk, executing a new layout or switching imagery. Creative ideas, fuelled by the ebb and flow of the waves.
“Ships in harbours are safe but that is not what ships are built for.”
From the trails to the surf
To the west of Lisbon the trails shoot you out right on the beach. There’s the sort of variety you’d normally associate with an all-you-can-eat buffet at a five-star hotel – that’s how appetizing the trails are here. Impeccably built downhill tracks with berms, drops and rock gardens, and flowing natural singletrack along the craggy cliffs that border the sea.
Back home I spend a lot of time riding on my own. I ride at my own rhythm and find it easier to switch off. But inspiration, I’ve come to realise, often breeds better with company. When travelling, I’m not averse to latching onto fellow riders. Perhaps a local who’ll show me a hidden trail, or another tourist on a similar hunt for new routes. Each ride brings new stories, perspectives and ideas. Oftentimes, these are the encounters that influence how I live my life and how I approach work projects. Not to mention the new friendships that are forged. So why not say ‘hi’ to the next unknown individual you bump into on the trails, in the supermarket or in the water.
Remember that the world is bigger than us as individuals. You don’t need to bear its whole weight on your shoulders, so embrace the freedom. That’s the freedom of going on an adventure and gaining a new perspective. Pack your bathing trunks or swimsuit, and go catch some waves if that’s your thing. Walk backwards while brushing your teeth, because you’ll end up where you might have gone had you gone there. Say hi to people with a smile and mean it. And me? I’m on my way home now. Real life is calling ;-)
Muito obrigado for the support and the photos to João Mourão of weride.pt
Sintra, Portugal, was the location of the test track, which had plenty of rocks, jumps, and corners to subject the fork to a wide range of forces. After a few laps with the 2019 fork, the swap was made to the 2020 version. The initial part of the trail was relatively smooth, other than a few fun-sized jumps, and the difference between the to forks wasn't readily apparent. But once things got rockier, and the size of the impacts increased, the new model felt noticeably calmer. It wasn't drastic, but it felt like the fork had a lighter action, and was better able to handle those bigger hits without using up all of its travel.
MTB-Urlaub im Winter: Top-Destinationen in Europa
Du sehnst dich nach Sonne? Wir zeigen dir 5 Locations, die nur einen kurzen Flug weit entfernt sind.
Autor: Sissi Pärschvor 4T
Matschige Wintertrails und knusprige Temperaturen können ganz nett sein – aber ehrlich: Wie schön ist es, wenn auch im Winter Sonnenstrahlen unsere Wadeln wärmen?! Deshalb haben wir für Euch 5 Top-Destinationen zusammengetragen, die gut erreichbar sind und auch im Winter wohligen Bike-Spaß bieten.
Finale, Italien
Enduro World Series, Finale Ligure
Finale an der italienischen Riviera ist mit seinem dichten Netz an Trails europaweit einer der besten Spots für Mountainbiker und war eine der Stationen der Enduro World Series. Der Bikepark hat einiges zu bieten, um die besten Trails zu erkunden, ist jedoch das Wissen von Locals gefragt. Zum Glück gibt es hier aber eine Menge Guides, die Euch gerne alles zeigen.
Luberon, Frankreich
An der Cote d'Azur kann man im Winter sensationell biken – aber der Geheimtipp in der Provence ist der Luberon, eine Region, die nur eine Autostunde vom Flughafen Marseille entfernt liegt. Hier gibt es die schönsten Dörfer Frankreichs, mit dem Mont Ventoux eine Tour-de-France-Legende und es ist die Wiege des französischen MTB-Sports. Das Trail-Netz ist unglaublich dicht und abwechslungsreich. Wer zwischen all den Lavendelfeldern, Olivenhainen und Mischwäldern nicht verloren gehen will, sollte sich guiden lassen.
Sintra, Portugal
Portugal hat die Vulkaninsel Madeira, 737 Kilometer westlich der marokkanischen Küste im Atlantischen Ozean, die mit mildem Klima und großartigen MTB-Trails aufwartet. ABER Portugal hat auch sein Festland und das mausert sich vom Bike-Geheimtipp zu einer Must-Go-Destination. Wenn die Marken für ihre Katalog-Shootings hinfahren, kann man sich vorstellen, wie sexy es ist. Sintra liegt nah an vielen sexy Sports – Lissabon, Porto, Küste – und ist selbst ungemein attraktiv. Speziell auch für Biker. Das werden Euch die Locals von WERIDE sicher auch in den Wintermonaten beweisen.
Malaga, Spanien
Auch Gee Atherton mag Malaga
Malaga an der Südküste von Spanien ist bekannt für seine trockenen, staubigen Trails mit jeder Menge steilem Gelände für Downhill-Rider. Das Terrain variiert von Sand bis zu Felsen und hartem Boden, es wird also nie langweilig. Im Winter ist es relativ ruhig und man kann sich richtig genüßlich austoben.
Gran Canaria, Spanien
Sonne, Meer und Mountainbikes
325 Tage Sonnenschein pro Jahr: Wenn das nicht verlockend klingt! Gran Canaria liegt 210 Kilometer westlich vor der Küste Südmarokkos im Atlantischen Ozean und ist eine der beliebtesten Winterdestinationen für Sonnenhungrige. Wenn du lange Rides vor einer tollen Kulisse magst, dann bietet Gran Canaria jede Menge unerschlossenes Terrain für deine Abenteuer. Einige Abschnitte setzen wirklich gute Fitness voraus, wenn du noch nicht so geübt bist, dann empfehlen wir dir einen Guide. Oder du mietest ein Auto und machst eine Shuttle-Gemeinschaft mit deinen Freunden. Die meiste Sonne kriegst du übrigens im Süden der Insel ab.
Video: Waves & Rocks In Portugal - The Syncronicles
Instagram feeds are a synonym for living the dream – everybody is always on holiday, always on the road, always riding. No doubt about it, my posts may look the same, and one can be forgiven for thinking that I’m simply living the perfect van and bike life every single day. However, this picture perfect dream is quite often different to reality…
Giant Bicycles | Discover More
WE love people wherever they come from. Do you feel the same with bikes? WE definitely do!!! Enjoy this approach filmed and edited by El Flamingo Films for Giant Bicycles shot here in Lisboa and Sintra, PORTUGAL with WERIDE.pt #discovermore #poweryourjourney
“Fuck look at the rays! This is why we got up so early!” exclaimed João as the sun pushed its way through the clouds on the Atlantic horizon. Half an hour earlier we had been in the WERIDE van, wondering why it was that we were all awake at that time. Now we were no longer regretting the dark, cold and early start.
João’s excitement about the rays was partly because the sun’s arrival meant that things would warm up a bit, but also because we were at the Outerio Dirt Park in Cascais for a sunrise photoshoot, and the sunrise was looking good! Behind the lens was the talented Thomas Brynjulf Svendsen. The subject of the photos were two of WERIDE’s steezy guides, Diogo and Duarte.
João couldn’t have chosen a better location. I was amazed that this small coastal town has these jumps. Not just a set of dirt jumps dug by locals, this spot was voted for by the town and built with machines. The result is perfectly formed jumps ranging from small enough for me to send up to Diogo and Duarte were soon warmed up and sending the biggest double, right in front of the sunrise. One of Thomas’ photos even made as the chosen photo on Pinkbike’s Movies for your Monday.
“Woah I am not even going near that”. There is also a wooden wallride and the smoothest pumptrack I have ever ridden.”
Photo credit: Thomas Brynjulf Svendsen/ Pinkbike
Once the sun was higher in the sky, we loaded the bikes onto the trailer and set off for the Sintra Mountains. These mountains are a special place. Out on Portugal’s Atlantic coast, they have their own microclimate and the weather can change pretty fast. It is not unusual to find yourself enveloped in mist. Adding to the atmosphere are the round boulders that litter the ground. Ranging in size from small to huge, they give the woods a unique character.
A consequence of Sintra’s atmosphere is that practicers of dark magic like to visit the woods. Watch out for circles of candles or other strange items and definitely do not touch them!
We spent the rest of the day sampling the high quality trails and being shuttled back up again. By this point we had been joined by some other riders, including one of Portugal’s finest mountain bikers, Emanuel Pombo.
To put it bluntly, the trails in Sintra are awesome. Tight twisting singletrack, rock gardens, jumps, kickers and drops. Lisbon and Sintra have a lively downhill, enduro and XC scene. On the weekends there are literally hundreds of bikers out and the trails are very well maintained.
We ended the day riding the Donkey Trail, which runs from the heart of the mountains down to the southern tip. Half way down we stopped so that Duarte and Pombo could session some big jumps while Thomas captured the action. Photos of riders sending jumps is one thing, but witnessing Pombo’s smooth style as he got huge airtime was something else!
The Donkey trail ends at a beach bar and we enjoyed some hard-earned beers as the sun went down.
WERIDE offer a variety of single and multi-day tours in and around Lisbon, as well as other Portuguese locations. You can choose standard riding, girls only, a training camp or even a day riding with a pro (Pombo). Not only are they highly professional, they are also really nice guys. Lisbon is a perfect location for riding all year round. I was there in winter, which was chilly but by no means too cold to ride.
For more information head to www.weride.pt
Written by Richard Bailey
original URL at RAD Season here
YT Capra 2018 launch in Sintra with WERIDE
Once again the CAPRA is setting new standards.
Confidence, creativity, endurance: this G.O.A.T. will get you and it will turn you into the rider you have always aspired to be. And true to our core, we keep pushing boundaries: the all-new CAPRA is a full-on downhill machine crossed with the uphill performance of a trail bike.
The modern geometry with short chainstays and a slack headtube angle perfectly unites the best of two worlds. The new CAPRA delivers the most advanced combination of trail bike agility and traction at downhill standard. The metric 250mm shock delivers the solid suspension travel of the CAPRA with a low leverage ratio and fully convinces with a performance that's hardly ever seen away from downhill courses.
Fullscreen gallery here
Photography and film are property of YT industries
Photos by Ale di Lullo and film direction by Mark Jenkinson
Riders: Ace Hayden and Bryan Regnier
WERIDE and ION together in Sintra for the 2018 product range
::: Head south or gear up! But just get out there. Season never ends! Follow Julia Hofmann, David Cachon & Rob Heran on the trails of Sintra and Lisbon. Guiding: WERIDE.pt / Filming: Fastfokus :::
WERIDE & ION full version video
WERIDE & ION short version video